Serving 450 cities around the Globe

We offer flexible & quick booking methods

We value the time and quality of travel for each of
our clients. Explore our luxury cars and book a ride
for ultimate experience.

An array of resources

Limo Ride 24 is your one-stop destination for all your transportation needs. Limo Ride 24 service made its place in the Limousine Industry more than 35 ears ago. We offer the finest in limousine transportation in all major Cities and Airports worldwide through a reliable and expanded Affiliate network. So whether you need limo service at Newark Liberty International Airport (EWR), (JFK), (LGA), New Jersey or London Heathrow UK, Empire International Limo service will provide the peace of mind that will make any trip less stressful and more enjoyable.

We make sure that your every trip is safe & special

Here at Limo Ride 24, we pride ourselves on providing a superior customer experience. From the initial reservation to the final drop-off destination our staff employs a “whatever it takes” attitude to ensure 100% customer satisfaction. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year our office is open to assist in any way possible.

Our customer support section was designed with your needs in mind. Chances are that you will find an answer to your question here, which certainly beats calling.

CEO, Limo Ride 24